History of St. Thomas Malankara Catholic
The very beginning St. Thomas Malankara Catholic School, Wasali
began in the year 2013 with a small three classroom at Khuthwad Nagar
under the St. Thomas Malankara Catholic Church. With a few students a
couple of teachers we began with the pre primary teachers. Soon the
sisters of Sisters of Imitation helped us in the running of the school. With
the passing years and the growing admission it was clear that the small
space under the church would not hold the entire school. Consequently
a search for the land for the new building started and finally a price of
land was purchased at the Wasaligaon. The first phase of construction
began and was completed on 29, June 2018 by H.E. Thomas Mar
Anthonios OIC the then bishop blessed the building and academic year
continued in the newly constructed building. The further development of
the school was understood to be of dire need as the school was
approaching closer to CBSE affiliation. As part of those two more floors
were constructed above the present building. The completion and
blessing of the first and the second floor took place on 4, July 2022 by
H.E. Thomas Mar Anthonios OIC. The school completed all necessary
steps for the affiliation process and finally on April 19, 2023, the CBSE
granted the school affiliation. Presently with 428 students 27 staff, both
teaching and non teaching, the school is successfully running and has
become a promise to the society into forming well informed and
responsible citizens.